We have an emergency on-call available at all times. We make the difference with our 2-hour turnaround guarantee.
365 days a year, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Kutie Ngundu

General Manager
Birmingham and Gloucester
Nominated Individual and Coach

Nurseline Community Services brings a sense of value for local partners since care is not just about clinicians looking after someone but also being very clear on the outcomes. Our company is great at being responsive to the families we support, our local partners and commissioners.

By providing urgent support through fast response, we create space to build strong and positive outcomes for the people we serve

Kutie Says

With an impressive 20 years of working experience in the healthcare and support sector, Kutie Ngundu is General Manager of NCS Birmingham and Gloucester, Nominated Individual and Coach.

Meet Kutie Ngundu

With an impressive 20 years of working experience in the healthcare and support sector, Kutie Ngundu is our General Manager, nominated individual and coach.

Kutie has been our fellow teammate since the very beginning of Nurseline Community Services. His passion and commitment to helping people resulted in swift and rewarding progress in his career path. His experience spans forensic and community mental health services he delivered extensively as a clinician on the front lines for over two decades. His role as a General Manager entails successfully leading teams both at the operational management and strategic level.

Kutie describes Nurseline Community Services as a specialist mental health service providing care to people with complex emotional needs, particularly those transitioning from a hospital setting. However, some may be a part of the community but at the same time experience complex emotional needs.

Kutie believes that one of the most significant achievements of Nurseline Community Services, as a part of the healthcare ecosystem where there’s a lot of fragmentation due to incoordination, is that this company always provides consistency and continuity of care, which is important for the people and families we support.

The most significant achievement for Kutie in the role of General Manager is supporting the office staff while working hard to ensure we are all aligned with the Catalyst Care Group values – Family, Impact and Teaming. Only that way we can make a difference to the people we support. He believes It is all about aligning our values with the clinicians, office staff and senior leaders.

Read and Watch More Of The Impact Stories From Nurseline Community Services

Our Impact Stories embrace the quality of our work environment, consistency of work and our impact on humanity.