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365 days a year, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Hazel, Parent

Case Study

One of the most important things that has happened since we’ve had Nurseline Community Services come into our lives is that I’m Ben’s mom again.

Hazel says

This inspiring story highlights the transformative power of compassionate care and specialized support, showcasing the potential for growth and joy in the face of adversity. 

Meet Hazel, Ben’s Mum

In this compelling story, we meet Hazel, a devoted mother to Ben, a young boy living with Autism and Pathological Demand Avoidance. 

Ben used to find solace in his room and didn’t find joy in the outside world. What’s more, when Ben had to leave school a year earlier, the family started requiring additional support. 

Ben became more open and inquisitive through our clinicians’ unwavering dedication and person-centred approach, and his behaviour began to transform. Our clinicians provided tailored support, helping Ben face his biggest challenges head-on. 

The result is remarkable. Ben now embraces new experiences, venturing out into the world and engaging in activities that were once uncomfortable for him. This positive shift not only benefits Ben but also brings freedom and fulfilment to his loved ones. Hazel, once overwhelmed by the constant challenges, is now able to be Ben’s mom again. 

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