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J’s inspiring story

Case Study

J’s an exceptional individual with a unique character and outstanding abilities. He faced challenges in his development, particularly after experiencing severe epileptic activity around the age of 3. J had a long and significant history of challenging behaviour.

Nurseline Community Services became involved in J’s story in December 2022, and their constant commitment and proper care have contributed to improving J’s general condition. The Nurseline Community Services staff team played a significant role in J’s journey. They did an exceptional job establishing a personal relationship with J quickly and supported him during his daily tasks with lots of understanding and patience. Taking the time to understand his favourite hobbies and sources of happiness, they regularly organised outings to watch football and golf, which brought him joy.

In March 2023, J returned to Gloucester, welcoming his new house, a supported living bungalow, his forever home. Later, in September 2023, he will transition to Prosperity Care, his long-term care provider.

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